6:30 PM18:30

Georgia ACNM Fall Meeting held at the Emory School of Nursing Simulation Center

The affiliate has invited a diverse panel of speakers with a focus on Reproductive Rights 


  • Kwajeyln Jackson, Executive Director of Feminist Women’s Health Center

  • Ky Lindberg, Executive Director of Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia

  • Nikia Grayson, CNM with CHOICES and the ACNM Regional Representative

  • Elizabeth A. Mosley, PhD MPH, Center for Reproductive Health Research in the Southeast (RISE)


6:00-6:30pm ~ Food and Socializing

6:30-7:00pm ~ Affiliate Updates: including upcoming nominations and elections

7:00-8:00pm ~ Panel Presenters followed by Q&A moderated by Kaprice Welsh

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8:00 AM08:00

Georgia ACNM Virtual Spring Affiliate Meeting

Georgia ACNM Spring Affiliate Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2022 from 8 am to 3 pm via Zoom. This meeting will no longer be held in person.

Here is the log-in information for the event:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 937 2272 6469
Passcode: 010366
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 937 2272 6469
Passcode: 010366

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December 2021 Affiliate Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

December 2021 Affiliate Meeting

Teresa T. Byrd, M.D., FACOG, MSCI, is a native of Los Angeles, California. She received her undergraduate degree in biology/pre-medicine from Florida A&M University and went on to obtain her medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Byrd completed residency training in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas at Houston Health Sciences Center. After residency, she returned to serve on the faculty at Meharry Medical College where she went on to obtain a master’s degree in clinical investigation. Dr. Byrd advanced to the rank of Associate Professor at UT Health at McGovern Medical School where she served as both Residency Program Director and Clerkship Director. She has now joined Wellstar Kennestone to become the Director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program in Marietta, Georgia. Her entire career has been devoted to academic medicine, focusing on innovations in medical student and resident education, hospital and residency quality improvement efforts, diversity, inclusion, and equity in healthcare. She has numerous institutional and national teaching awards and has presented at many national meetings. Dr. Byrd’s clinical focus as an academic generalist has been in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, office gynecology, and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery. She currently serves on the ACOG District IV Committee on Health Equity and Respectful Care, and on the Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (GOGS) Advisory Board and on the Georgia Perinatal Quality Collaborative as the Maternal Co-Chair and Health Equity Liaison. Dr. Teresa Byrd is dedicated to improving the training of future OBGYN physicians and works diligently to create a more inclusive work environment and help eliminate disparities in healthcare.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 921 0157 8088

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+16468769923,,92101578088# US (New York)

+13017158592,,92101578088# US (Washington DC)

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+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 921 0157 8088

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6:00 PM18:00

September 2021 Affiliate Meeting


Topic: GA Affiliate Meeting

Start Time : Sep 30, 2021 06:00 PM

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: ga6u&eUk


Barbora Snuggs’s bio:

Barbora was born in Czechoslovakia and immigrated to the United States at 10 years of age. She obtained her Baccalaureate degree in nursing from Kennesaw State University in 1995. After working for many years as a nurse in Labor & Delivery, she continued her education at Emory University, completing her Master’s degree in midwifery in 2005. She practices midwifery with the Atlanta area. Barbora continued her education and obtained a DNP from Vanderbilt University and started teaching as an Assistant Professor of Nursing at the University of North Georgia.

Barbora’s focus of her doctorate work stemmed from her passion for grieving mothers that she cared for while in private practice. Barbora and her committee developed a clinical guideline for midwifery care, focusing on postpartum women who delivered term stillborn babies and were delivered by midwives.

Whether hiking, jogging, swimming, or traveling, Barbora loves to spend time with her husband, John, her three adult children and her daughter-in-law, and her two Shih Tzus, Dixie and Molli.

Rebecca Colemans’ bio:

Rebecca Coleman began her nursing career working in Labor and Delivery. She spent several years primarily in labor and delivery before changing hospitals to become part of a LDRP unit. The change allowed her to care for antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum, and gynecology patients. She is certified in Inpatient Obstetric Nursing, Electronic Fetal Monitoring, and as a Certified Clinical Nurse Educator. She also teaches both the AWHONN Intermediate and Advanced Fetal monitoring classes. She is currently an Assistant Professor for the department of nursing.

 DNP, Nursing Practice, Grand Canyon University

 MSN, Nursing, South University

 BSN, Nursing, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing

 ASN, Pre-Nursing, Reinhardt College

Dr. Coleman’s doctorate work focused on education and access for the Tdap vaccine, concentrated on rural, low-income areas. This focus was motivated by her observations of patients’ challenges to receive the aforementioned vaccine. Some of these challenges included:

  • Patients had a difficult time getting to their scheduled OB appointment

  • The vaccine was not offered in the OB office that serviced the hospital

  • Patients were redirected to other facilities in search of the vaccine; not easy access

  • Lack of education pertaining to the Tdap vaccine

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6:00 PM18:00

June 2021 Affiliate Meeting

Nicole Carlson, Lexi Dunn, and Abby Britt will present the Origins of Nurse Midwifery: Midwifery Clinical Care in a cross-racial and cultural context The key objectives for their presentation are:

1. Explore the historical development and expansion of the profession of nurse midwifery in the United States
2. Discuss the influence of racism and lack of diversity on the profession of Midwifery
3. Understand how racism in contemporary healthcare for pregnant individuals changes pregnancy outcomes and health care.
4. Be able to identify strategies to address racism in contemporary health care of pregnant individuals.


Topic: GA Affiliate Meeting

Start Time : Jun 24, 2021 05:37 PM

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: @5ArQB81

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March 2021 Affiliate Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

March 2021 Affiliate Meeting

Intrapartum Guidelines for Nurse-Midwives

Presented by Tanya OwensMSN, CNM. Tanya has been a nurse for 31 years and a nurse-midwife for 21 years. Before becoming a midwife she worked in the ED, ICU/CCU, and labor and delivery. Her decision to become a midwife was largely due to her experience with midwives during her first pregnancy in 1980.

Tanya received her MSN from Emory University in 2000. She worked in Atlanta for a few years and then joined the Athens Midwifery group in 2002. She is in the final semester of the DNP program at GCSU. She is excited to present her DNP work on Intrapartum Guidelines for Nurse-midwives.

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: I#!U73W!

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