The Georgia ACNM Affiliate values the perspectives of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences and seeks to include the broadest range of perspectives within the composition of the Board and the Nominating Committee.
Nominations may be made by any Active, voting member.
Nominees must be active, voting members; names of nominees shall be confirmed with the list of active GA Affiliate/ACNM members.
Only Active members whose consent has been obtained shall be selected for nomination.
The term of office for each officer shall be two (2) years, and each officer will serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.
Preside at all chapter meetings
Appoint standing and Ad Hoc Committee Chairpersons
Coordinate communications between the chapter and the affiliate; attend affiliate board meetings
Submit an agenda to the Corresponding Secretary for distribution prior to meetings
Declare election results
Vice President
Perform duties of the President in the absence or inability to the President to serve
Succeed to the office of President should the office become vacant during an unfinished term
Perform such duties as may be delegated by the President
Coordinate arrangements and program components of Affiliate meetings
Record all minutes of chapter meetings and ensure timely distribution of the minutes.
Be responsible for the coordination of materials with the individual(s) maintaining the Chapter's electronic communications (e.g., web page, etc.)
Distribute Chapter announcements, invitations, notices of events, and agenda prior to the meeting.
Receive communications to forward to appropriate individuals.
Be custodian of the funds of the chapter.
Give an itemized report at each chapter meeting.
Be responsible for an accurate and complete recording of all chapter income and disbursements.